Mindful Running Books and Inspirations | Body Flows Article

3 Inspiring Books With Mindful Running Tips

Running for Beginners, Running Tips and Running Inspirations

"The true but rare runner's high is a zone that we enter when everything seems to click perfectly, when time stands still, and when we can run almost without effort." ~ Amby Burfoot, winner of the 1968 Boston Marathon, running journalist and author

Would you like to feel that 'runner's high' or 'in the zone' when you run? And in your life in general?

I feel inspired to share with you three of my favorite running books.

If you're feeling lack of motivation to run, or maybe heavy and tired when you run, or you just don't love running as much as you would like to, I highly recommend getting hold of these books as they will inspire you and change your running forever! At least they did for me.

I was most impressed because the information provided in these books is not only helpful for improving your running, they'll provide you with some fantastic tips and practices that you can apply to other aspects of your life, finding more balance and more mindfulness in every moment and every situation in your life. This is when mindfulness really becomes powerful and a life practice.

I have used many of the techniques from these books to improve my relationships with others, my health, my yoga retreat and wellness business and to find more balance and clarity in life in general.

Even if you are not a runner, and you don't ever intend to become a runner, I believe you will feel inspired and benefit from these teachings, and notice some transformation in some aspect of your life.

  1. Running with the Mind of Meditation

    "Movement is good for the body. Stillness is good for the mind." ~ Sakyong Mipham, runner, author and head of the Shambhala Tibetan Buddhist lineage

    Most people live their lives the other way around, with more movement and activity in the mind and more stillness and inactivity in the body.

    Too much stillness in the body (sedentary lifestyle, not enough physical exercise) and too much movement in the mind (racing thoughts, roller coaster emotions, to do lists and more), can lead to a very stressful and unhealthy life.

    As a Tibetan lama and leader of Shambhala, a global meditation community, Sakyong Mipham teaches us in his book, Running With The Mind Of Meditation, simple lessons and techniques to help train both body and mind, with the goal of enhancing our joy of running and our joy of life.

    One of the lessons that inspired me the most was the four phases of training he describes, called the Four Dignities, 1) the tiger, 2) the lion, 3) the garuda and 4) the dragon. These four dignities represent the 'inner development of a courageous individual', with the goal of 'creating balance and integrity', and the result being a strong windhorse, symbolizing 'the ability to bring about long life, good health, success and happiness.'

    I'm assuming you want to live a long life of good health, success and happiness, right?

    I highly recommend this book, even if you are not a runner. You can apply the techniques described by each of the four dignities to your personal life, your business or career, your relationships or any other aspect of your life.

    You can read more about the book and order online at this link.

  2. Zen and the Art of Running

    "While Zen running, you feel as if your body and the world into which you are advancing are a single whole." ~ Larry Shapiro, author of Zen and the Art of Running

    Personally, I love the Buddhist teachings that Larry sprinkles throughout this book. They wisdom from these teachings really help us to tap into that 'Zen zone' with our running. Whether you are new to running or a seasoned runner already, you'll learn ways to improve your body alignment and posture, practice mindfulness, visualize success, accept and let go, walk the talk, feel more motivated, overcome obstacles, and train your body and mind for success. Larry discusses ways for doing all this, both on and off the road, while running and while not running.

    Highlighting specific running tips, inspiring Buddha quotes and Zen techniques and practices throughout the book, Larry provides a simple and easy to use reference book that you can tap in and out of as needed. It's also a great read if you were to read it start to finish.

    "There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way and not starting." ~ Buddha

  3. The Runner's Guide to the Meaning Of Life

    Amby Burfoot, the author of The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life, was the winner of the 1968 Boston Marathon and has been the Executive Editor of Runner's World Magazine, the largest national running journal in the world, since 1985.

    I absolutely loved this book and want to share with you some of my favorite quotes from the book.

    "Stay focused on your goals. When we stray too far, we lose sight of the finish line."

    "Success comes from within. It comes from consistent dedication to core principles and values."

    "I have learned that there is no failure in running, or in life, as long as you keep moving. It's about refusing to be stopped. As long as you keep searching, you'll find your winning way."

    "I've always felt that we live happier, more successful lives when we reach out to others and involve them in our lives and our dreams."

    Winning is about struggle and effort and optimism, and never, ever, ever giving up."

    "Humility is a positive force. It teaches you that, even after a stumble, you can get up and start running again."

    "Life is a marathon, not a sprint; pace yourself accordingly."

    I hope these quotes inspire you in all aspects of your life. They certainly inspired me and helped me to become a better runner, friend, sister, daughter, teacher, coach and leader.

Are you ready to transform your running now, and/or transform your life?

I'd love to hear any comments or questions you have so feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below.

Namaste and much love,

