February 22, 2022 (2-22-22) Spiritual Meaning and Personal Story | Body Flows Article

February 22, 2022 Spiritual Meaning of 2-22-22

2-22-22 meaning
The Significance of February 22, 2022

Spiritual leaders and healers around the world are writing about the powerful and spiritual significance of this date, February 22, 2022 because of all the 2s in the date. Written as 2-22-22 in the USA where I currently live, and 22-2-22 in the UK where I grew up, there are five 2s in a row.

It can also be written as 02-22-2022 in the USA and 22-02-2022 in the UK. In this version, there are six 2s and three 22s. Yes, that's a lot of repeated 2s and 22s! The zeros are also significant so keep reading to learn more about this incredibly powerful date.

The Number 2
Connection. Relationships. Duality.

The number 2 in numerology symbolizes connection, relationships and duality. This could be an intimate relationship, business connections or partnerships, new friendships, or even a greater connection with your higher self or with the Universe as they are one. In yoga, we often talk about non-duality, meaning that everything is one and connected and we are not separate from others or from the energy of the Universe. The number 1 symbolizes this non-dual nature of the Universe.

However, since we are co-creators in this world, we are not meant to do life alone. We are meant to build relationships and meaningful connections, either with others or with our higher self, and co-create from this place of deeper connection which comes back to the non-duality energy of oneness.

The Number 22
Expansion. Harmony. Intuition.

The number 22 (02-22-2022 contains three 22s) is even more powerful because of the repeated 2s and is considered an Angel Number due to the repeated numbers, which signify a specific message or energy from the Universe. When we see repeated numbers like this in life, it's often a sign or message from the Universe that we are on the right path towards something great and purposeful.

The number 22 is also considered the Master Number in numerology because it has a massive energetic vibration. The energy carried in the number 22 is intuition, expansion, harmony, and a message that you are on the right path in your life to fulfilling your purpose and manifesting your dreams.

My 22 Year Anniversary

On a more personal note, February 22, 2022 also has incredible significance in my own personal life. It is exactly 22 years to the day since I moved to the USA. Yes, it's my 22nd anniversary of living in the USA. Another 22!

On 02-22-2000 I flew from London to NYC to start my life in the USA, working in Manhattan for Merrill Lynch as a software engineer. I had no idea of the significance of that date at that time. I thought I might live in NYC for 1 year before returning home to the UK, yet here I am 22 years later still living in the USA. Merrill Lynch paid for me to stay in the Millenium Hilton Hotel on the 55th floor (another repeated number) for my first 5 weeks, overlooking the incredible Twin Towers (yes 2 towers).

The Twin (2) Towers and 222

The following year, 9/11 happened. I came out of the subway, right outside my office, just 1 block from the Twin Towers and heard a loud roar above my head. Looking up with curiosity, I saw an American Airlines plane fly low in the sky right above my office, and I watched it as it flew right into the North Tower of the Twin Towers. That moment, and the hours, days and months that followed, changed my life forever.

I may write another article about my personal 9/11 experience and how it inspired my yoga journey. For now, let's stick with the theme of the 2s. Since our Merrill Lynch office was closed for months after 9/11 due to the cleanup, my work team was moved into an office at 222 Broadway. More repeated 2s!

Another Personal Message on 02-22-2020

Another incredible synchronicity and message from the Universe is that I received my USA passport in my mailbox, after becoming a US Citizen, on February 22, 2020, exactly 20 years to the day from when I arrived in the country. Another 2-22 significance and message from the Universe that I was on the right path!

This time 02-22-2020, five 2s of connection and three zeros of infinite potential! Which leads us to...

The Significance of Zeros

Zeros in numberology signify infinite potential and possiblities. It's a sign to remember that anything is possible and you are capable of manifesting your dreams and desires and living the life you want for yourself and for others. Although it may not always appear this way in the outside world, you have the opportunity to listen to your intuition and choose how you show up for yourself and others, and live your purpose day to day, moment to moment.

02-22-2020 (the date I became a US citizen) contains 3 zeros, and 02-22-2022 (my 22nd anniversary of living in the USA) contains 2 zeros. These zeros feel significant to me because I truly feel from my heart that I am living my purpose by leading Body Flows Yoga Retreats, sharing the beautiful gifts of yoga and meditation, and building community and loving connections with like-minded yogis.

As I sat in the office in downtown Manhattan back in the early 2000s, I knew from my heart that there was a deeper purpose and that one day I would find greater connection in my life. Forever grateful for my journey, even those office days, which led me organically to this path, I believe my life is purposeful today because I've subconsciously drawn on the energy of all these 2s, 22s and zeros on these powerfully significant dates.

Tuning into the Energy of 2-22-22

How can you tune into this energy of connection, relationships and infinite potential on this day, 2-22-22?

Trust. Let Go. Connect.

Trust the Universe. Trust that whatever you are feeling or hearing within yourself is as it it meant to be right here right now, with no judgement. Trust in signs that you see such as repeated numbers. Trust in relationships and connections that feel connected to your heart's desire. Most importantly, trust in yourself.

Let Go of any analytical thoughts from yourself or others that you should be doing or acting in a certain way. This is a time to truly step into your own power and follow your inner guidance and remember who you are and remember your purpose.

Connect, to others and to yourself and inner intuition. Co-create with the energy from the Universe or with others that may organically appear into your life, knowing that there is a higher purpose for all connections and all encounters.

Finally, enjoy the journey and stay aware of these signs from the Universe. Sending you much love on this magical journey as you notice how your life beautifully unfolds.

p.s. Twosday

This date also lands on a Tuesday and appears to be called Twosday or 2's Day in the social media world! If you're still reading and would like to take advantage of a $22 discount off any of our upcoming 2022 yoga retreats or online yoga classes, as long as you book today on February 22, 2022, please message us and we'll give you a coupon to take $22 off your price!

If you have any questions or feedback on this article, feel free to contact us. We'd love to hear from you!

Author: Sally Mitchell, founder of Body Flows Yoga Retreats and RYT 200 Yoga Teacher leads yoga retreats in the USA, Mexico and Costa Rica. Living in beautiful Sonoma, California, after 15 years in NYC and San Francisco, her approach as a leader and teacher is holistic, balanced and grounded. She enjoys studying and practicing Yoga and Buddhism, hiking and trail running in nature, traveling, writing and inspiring others to live a more spiritual and meaningful life.

Read more about Sally here.
